October 30, 2020
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month and there is no better time to put life insurance at the top of your To-Do list than right now. Life brings about what feels like a million choices to make every day. It’s been said that humans make more than 35,000 decisions a day. From what’s for dinner to what paint color to choose. We often save decisions for another day and put them on our To-Do list for tomorrow. Sometimes, however, tomorrow is too late.

A lifetime. Seems like forever, right? Maybe you’re just beginning a life together with someone. Maybe you’re in the middle of the mad dash of life running from school to practices and everything in between. Or maybe you are new to the empty nester scene or retired and kicking back. Life is full of maybe’s and if you have ever thought “maybe I should get life insurance, but I’ll get to that later” or “maybe I’ll do it tomorrow”—then maybe think about this. Life provides an endless supply of twists and turns and can bring about unexpected moments that could significantly alter yours and your family’s path. Sometimes the best laid plans go awry even though it was never a part of the plan.

The Draughn’s “that-would-never-happen-to-me” happened. M’Linda lost her 33-year-old husband, Kenneth, when their daughter was only four. Unable to afford rent and living paycheck-to-paycheck, the mother and daughter were forced to move homes as M’Linda faced financial hardship as a new single parent. She and Kenneth had only talked about life insurance. It was on their To-Do list, and they thought they had time, but they never followed through. Take a moment to listen to their story.
Life offers no guarantees. Whatever stage of life you are in, life insurance is protection for your family and loved ones and not just a frivolous luxury item. If you have saved life insurance to your maybe list, make your maybe NOW. Find out here how KSKJ Life can help protect your family when the unthinkable happens.
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