Lodge #2 Luncheon Honoring Our 50 Year Members

Local Lodge and National Events Calendar

Lodge #2 Steak-fry and Meeting

St. Joe's Park Theodore Street, Joliet, IL

Lodge will provide the steaks and members will bring dishes to pass. Meeting will follow.

St. Joseph Lodge #2 240 Raffle

Lodge officers and members will sell 240 tickets at a cost of $20 each. This will raise $4,800.00 (or lesser amount depending on total tickets sold). The lodge will hold... Read more »

Lodge 29 Steak Fry and Meeting

St. Joseph Park Hall 1500 N Raynor AV, Joliet, IL, United States

Join us for our annual steak fry and meeting! We'll supply the steaks, baked potatoes, corn and coleslaw. You just need to grill your steaks and have a great time!... Read more »

Lodge #63 Drive In Night

7/28 or 7/29(depending on weather- the actual date to be announced that week)  Drive In Night For more information, contact Jean at jean.marincic@gmail.com.

Back to School Bash Bowling-Lodge #63

8/21 Back to School Bash bowling event at Red Circle Lanes Free event includes open bowling and refreshments. RSVP by 8/16 to Jean text 440-781-3075 or email jean.marincic@gmail.com.

Wine and Cheese Tasting

St. Joe's Park Theodore Street, Joliet, IL

St. Joe's Lodge #2 will hold a meeting on September 17, 2023, at the St. Joe's Park Legion Hall followed by a wine and cheese tasting event. This event will... Read more »