Lodge #29 meeting and wine tasting after meeting with Lodge #2

Local Lodge and National Events Calendar

Lodge 29 Matching Funds- Team Make A Difference Fundraiser

Morris Country Club- Morris, IL 2615 W US RT 6, Morris, IL

Fund Raiser for Team Make A Difference at the Morris Country Club. Team Make A Difference helps a person who is ill or in need. The Team does a renovation of the bedroom or part of the home with volunteers in a 72hr turn- around time. The Fund Raiser will feature entertainment, food, raffles and... Read more »

Lodge 2-Join Hands Day

Sunny Hill Nursing Home 421 Doris Ave., Joliet, IL, United States

Lodge members will meet at Sunny Hill Nursing Home to assist in vegetation removal and planting of new flowers and plants.

KSKJ Days “Feeding America”

St. Joe's Park Theodore Street, Joliet, IL

Joliet Lodges #2 St. Joseph, #29 St. Francis and #143 St. John’s will participate in the KSKJ Life Feeding America Food Drive to benefit St. John’s Food Pantry (food bank) through engaging our fraternal membership and non-members to volunteer and donate groceries. If members and non-members are unable to participate in the food drive, we... Read more »

Marija Pomajaj

St. Joseph's Church

This will be a joint event with Joliet Lodges #'s 29 & 143. There will be a mass attended by officers and members of Joliet Lodge #'s 2, 29 & 143 with a celebration of food and refreshments following. Expenses for this joint event will be paid from funds remaining in the Joliet Lodge's Treasury... Read more »

Join Hands Day-St. Lawrence Lodge #63 & St. Joe’s Lodge #169

Join Lodge #63 for Join Hands Day with St. Joe’s 169 at the Slovenian Cultural gardens, Saturday, June 3rd at 9:00am.  Bring your yard tool and help weed, and clean up the garden. Our lodge will be providing annuals for planting around the sign and garden.  Please let Jean know if you plan to attend.

Food Drive Lodge #143 with Minooka Lions Club Summer Fest

2023 Minooka Lions Club Summerfest Thursday, June 15th, 2023 103 W Mondamin St. Minooka, IL 60447 FOOD DRIVE TO BENEFIT THE MISSION BIBLE CHURCH FOOD PANTRY IN COLLABORATION WITH THE MINOOKA LIONS CLUB AND KSKJ LIFE. BRING SOME DRY GOODS AND HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Doors open 6:30pm Price: 21+: $5   6-20: $3   ... Read more »

Lodge #2 Steak-fry and Meeting

St. Joe's Park Theodore Street, Joliet, IL

Lodge will provide the steaks and members will bring dishes to pass. Meeting will follow.

St. Joseph Lodge #2 240 Raffle

Lodge officers and members will sell 240 tickets at a cost of $20 each. This will raise $4,800.00 (or lesser amount depending on total tickets sold). The lodge will hold monthly drawings beginning July through December 2023. There will be 3 monthly winners drawn, with first place paying $200.00 and second and third place each... Read more »

Lodge 29 Steak Fry and Meeting

St. Joseph Park Hall 1500 N Raynor AV, Joliet, IL, United States

Join us for our annual steak fry and meeting! We'll supply the steaks, baked potatoes, corn and coleslaw. You just need to grill your steaks and have a great time! Meeting starts a 5pm and grilling starts at approximately 5:30pm Bring school supplies

Lodge #63 Drive In Night

7/28 or 7/29(depending on weather- the actual date to be announced that week)  Drive In Night For more information, contact Jean at jean.marincic@gmail.com.