KSKJ Life St. Joseph Lodge 169 Annual Christmas Party

Local Lodge and National Events Calendar

St. Joseph Lodge #2 Annual Meeting

st. Joseph Ferinand Hall

Conduct Annual Meeting to conduct normal business as well as year end business. Additionally, the lodge will conduct nominations of officers for 2024. Subsequent to nominations, elections will be held, and new 2024 officers will be installed. The Lodge Person of the Year will be recognized. A luncheon will be served at the conclusion of... Read more »

St. John’s #65 KSKJ Life Christmas Party

St. John's #65 KSKJ Life Christmas Party. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Pizza, soda & tap beer provided. Cash Bar When: Saturday, December 9,2023 Where: Gas-Lite West 4305 S 84th St. Greenfield, WI 53228 Time: 12pm-3pm

2023 Family Christmas Party

St. Mary #79 and St. Joseph #53 is bringing back their annual "Family Christmas Party" . The party will include making crafts, pizza and pop, a visit from Santa, and more.

Lodge Election Meeting Lodge #143-Joliet, IL

Lodge Election Meeting -Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 7:30 p.m. As the year comes to an end, it's time for our annual lodge election. Join our meeting to vote for 2024 lodge leaders - or run for a position yourself! We will also discuss our holiday bowling party and charitable giving donations. Tuesday, December 12 - 7:30 p.m. ZOOM LINK: https://northwestern.zoom.us/j/93989879158... Read more »

2023 Holiday Luncheon-Lodge 29

Merichka’s Restaurant 604 Theodore St, Crest Hill, Illinois

Our annual Holiday Luncheon for 2023 will be held at Merichka's Restaurant . Cocktails (cash bar) Noon. Lunch 12:30- 3pm. Cost is $20.00 members and $25.00 guest. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED BY DECEMBER 30TH. RSVP to Judy Corum 815-545-9105. Make checks payable to KSKJ 29 and mail to Judy Corum 117 N Reed St Joliet IL... Read more »

Matching Funds – Yoga for Breast Cancer-Lodge #29

Croatian Cultural Club 1503 Clement Street, Joliet, IL, United States

Event is a yoga class and fund raiser for breast cancer. There will be raffle baskets etc. More details to follow.

St. Joseph Lodge #2 and St. Genevieve’s Lodge #29 Inaugural Chili Cookoff

St. Joe's Park Theodore Street, Joliet, IL

A social gathering will be held with both lodges in attendance. A chili cookoff between members of both lodges is planned, and a winner determined. Mostly just for fun and to allow our lodges to interact together. Non members will be encouraged to attend. Hoping to continue as an annual event and invite additional participation.

Good Friday St. Joseph Church Fish Fry Set Up

St. Joe's Park Theodore Street, Joliet, IL

St. Joe's Lodge #2 will partner with St. Genevieve Lodge #29 to participate in this matching fund event. Our member volunteers, along with Lodge #29 volunteer members, will assist in the preparation and set up of St. Joe's Park Hall on Thursday before Good Friday for the fish fry. On Good Friday, member volunteers will... Read more »

Good Friday St. Joseph Church Fish Fry

St. Joe's Park Theodore Street, Joliet, IL

St. Joe's Lodge #2 will partner with St. Genevieve Lodge #29 to participate in this matching fund event. Our member volunteers, along with Lodge #29 volunteer members, will assist in the preparation and set up of St. Joe's Park Hall on Thursday before Good Friday for the fish fry. On Good Friday, member volunteers will... Read more »